Monday 18 May 2020

Just saying Hi :-)

Hi everyone.....

How are you all doing?

Seems ages since I've said hello to you all....Hubbys health hasn't been the best so things have been a little slower than usual...although I have started to learn the guitar with a little help from YouTube.  That's a challenge for sure lol....If I can master just one song before lockdown is over I'll be a very happy bunny :-)

I've been trying out new recipes….Cheesy Potato bread (yummy yummy),scones. (I'm ashamed to say I have never ever made a homemade scone in my life until this morning!!!!). Banana Loaf and flapjacks.....yummy yummy!!!

I've also started looking at discovering my family tree.  With a little help from family and I've found it really interesting.  Its something I've been looking into doing for a while now but just never got round to starting it.  I'm really enjoying it :-)

I have heard so many people are trying out new things and learning new skills.

Its made be think that really we can do anything that we put our mind to...I mean honestly I never ever thought I would be sitting here writing this blog for complete strangers to read, I'm usually a very quiet person who just gets on with things quietly in the back ground.  Its quite surreal to think that I'm just putting myself out there like this.

B has been singing her little heart out and makes me so proud every time I hear her.  Her confidence is growing little by little every day.

My next project is going to be our garden.  We've been in our home for 16 years and we have never got round to sorting the garden out properly.  Its always been put on the backburner, so I've decided that the time has come to get my little hands grubby and get out there and start sorting and making it a space to relax, unwind and spend quality time with hubby and B.

As my lovely cousin says "small steps"..... I know that one day it will be a space we can call our own little retreat :-).

Its been really lovely to be able to spend this time of lockdown keeping in touch with family and friends.   I cant speak for others but I know personally this time of quietness has given me a chance to reflect on how much friends and family mean to me and that we should never take for granted those we care about.  It has brought us closer together, even though we can't physically be with each other.

I know it's been a bit of a short one today....but just wanted to check in and say hi to you all.

Let me know what you have all been up to or any plans you may have.

Until next time, relax, keep smiling and keep safe.

S xxx

Wednesday 22 April 2020

A little bit of self care.....

Hi everyone...

How are you all doing?

I hope you're all keeping safe and well.  Another 3 weeks of lockdown awaits us.  In a way the last few weeks have gone much quicker than I thought they would and I'm really starting to enjoy this slower way of living 😊.  
I've been using this time to really look at my whole life and start making a few much needed changes.
One of my goals this lockdown was continuing with self care and looking after myself both physically and mentally.
 I do like to exercise but was struggling to find something that I really love to do.  So after searching my DVD shelves I found a Pilates DVD.   I'm loving it!!!.  It really sets me up for the day ahead.  It gets me in the right frame of mind as well as stretching those muscles.    

B and I have started walking and have found ourselves in the middle of knowwhere. Just being out in the fresh air is great for blowing the cobwebs away.  
I've even managed to get hubby doing some walking!!

We are all feeling so much better for it and its certainly helping the cabin fever.

I've had a social media "declutter".  And although sometimes it hard you realise that some people are holding you back from being the best version of yourself that you can be.  Its important to make those decisions at never know what better things awaits you.

We've been home cooking....Flapjacks, Brownies, Rock cakes, Home made pizzas from scratch and cheesy potato pie (Thanks Tilly!!).   
Home school work is ongoing.  So I thought it was just Maths I was rubbish at, turns out I don't know a great deal about secondary school English either!!
Still its keeping B amused having to teach us things.

Alexa and I have been dancing around the house to all sorts of music as well as doing quizzes.

So what have I got in the pipe line to keep me busy?  Well.....I'm going to be learning about lots more personal growth.  I am going to be teaching myself how to play the guitar with the help of You Tube. I'm planning on doing more blogging and journaling as well as keep in touch with friends and family.

What are you guys all doing?   How are you coping with all the changes?  Have you got anything planned?   Please feel free to comment...I'd love to hear from you.

Until next time...relax, keep smiling and stay safe.

S xxx

Wednesday 15 April 2020

What day of the week is it??

Wow!! What a response to my first blog.... I was so overwhelmed by all your lovely messages and comments.  Thank you so much :-)  I never thought I'd be sitting here writing my second one!

So what have I been doing since last time?

Well for a start.....I've discovered Disney +   A lot of my friends and family have been talking about it, so the other night I thought I'd give it a go.   Why did I not know about this earlier????   Bambi, The Little Mermaid, Toy Story,  Finding Nemo, Finding Dory,  Aladdin, Cars......the list goes on!
I'm going back to my childhood and loving it.  I don't know which one of us loves it more....myself, hubby or B??

We've also had Easter….what a strange one is what this year.  Other years would see me going to church, followed by enjoying a delicious roast dinner with family, then spending the afternoon enjoying our chocolate.  This year was somewhat different being on our own.  But we made it fun, spending quality time with each other just the 3 of us.....still enjoying a yummy roast and of course eating our chocolate!!

We've made colourful rainbow pictures to put in our windows, we've decorated biscuits, B has built a den in her bedroom and has slept in it every night since!!

Right now the sun is shining, both cats are sunbathing in the window.  It's got me thinking how lovely it would be to be at the seaside right now.  Sitting on the beach, listening to sea gulls, watching the waves, smelling the salty sea air whilst eating a yummy bag of chips covered in salt and vinegar :-)

Someday soon we will all be there together, having fun, enjoying walks along the beach, Mr Whippy ice creams with a chocolate flake, and dipping our toes in that sea.

We're now in week 4 of lockdown (I think?), the days of the week have gone out the window for me now.  Is it bin day?....  Is Our Girl on tv tonight?..... Am I meant to be having a group chat today?.....   What month are we even in?...….

What have I got planned?
Well I have a bookcase full of books that in all honesty I've probably only read a quarter of them (not even that), so it will probably be a good idea to get cracking and do some reading!!

We're going to be doing lots of home made cooking (cant wait for that).

We unfortunately have to crack on with some more school work too, so will be helping B with that...secondary school work is really hard!!   Maths really gets to fact B has to teach me how to do things a lot of the time.   Are any other parents out there struggling with being a teacher as well as a mum or dad??   This has certainly confirmed that secondary school teaching is not for me.....

If you have any tips....please feel free to share!!

I might even have a go at a bit of Joe Wicks ;-)  .....

I'm hoping next week to get out and about and do a little bit more walking and get some fresh air. "Me time" and self care are so important especially during these unprecedented times.  We just have to make the most of what we can do and simply enjoy it

Making the most of the simple things in life, listening to the birds sing, enjoying that first sip of coffee first thing in the morning, spending half an hour in the garden feeling the sun of your face.

Making the most of being able to speak to people and connect with people at any time of the day, without worrying if they will be at work.

Maybe set some goals??  Things you've been wanting to do but have just never  had the time.

I'm an overthinker.....I overthink EVERYTHING!!  So one of my goals this lockdown is to work on that and learn to relax and enjoy life as much as I can without worrying what other people think.

We will never again get all this time to slow down and just be still, so I say make the most of it.....regardless of whether we know what day of the week it is.....or even what month we're in!!!

Until next time, relax, keep smiling and keep safe.

S xxx

Monday 13 April 2020

Well being during lockdown

My first ever blog......

I've been thinking about doing this for a while but something has always held me back. Nerves? Lack of content? Lack of confidence?.......who knows, but today I thought what better time to start than right now!

So here I am just putting it out there....

This time of lockdown is stressful for a lot of people but I see it as time to relax, a time to slow down and appreciate the little things that we do so often take for granted.......being able to spend quality time with family. Seeing communities pull together to help the vulnerable. Taking time to enjoy a slower pace of life. Going back to basics.....learning to cook home made meals and not rely on take aways. Doing jigsaw puzzles, playing board games and doing quizes.

Appreciating the fantastic work of the NHS staff and all the keyworkers who are working so hard to keep everything running.

Although I've not seen my friends and family for a while now I've never felt more connected to them, through social media, texts and regular phone calls.
Night's in with a glass of wine with the girls.  Regular morning meet ups with my church family.

I now have time to really engage in what my daughter is learning at school.....I'm having to relearn things myself!!  Especially Maths 😴. Secondary school maths is not my idea of fun at all!!! Hope other parents can relate to this.....

Friendships are growing stronger as we encourage each other and offer a supportive ear and lots of virtual hugs. Everyone looking forward to the day when we can all be close again and enjoy a meal out, or meeting for that cuppa and a catch up.

So what has kept me sane?
1) Trying to keep to a routine as much as possible
2) Maintaining self care
3) Ensuring I have "me time"
4) Eating regular meals
5) Regular contact with family and friends
6) Most importantly LOTS of patience!!

So this is me putting myself out there to people 😊
Until next time just relax, keep smiling, keep safe and enjoy the simple things in life. 😊 xxx