Monday 13 April 2020

Well being during lockdown

My first ever blog......

I've been thinking about doing this for a while but something has always held me back. Nerves? Lack of content? Lack of confidence?.......who knows, but today I thought what better time to start than right now!

So here I am just putting it out there....

This time of lockdown is stressful for a lot of people but I see it as time to relax, a time to slow down and appreciate the little things that we do so often take for granted.......being able to spend quality time with family. Seeing communities pull together to help the vulnerable. Taking time to enjoy a slower pace of life. Going back to basics.....learning to cook home made meals and not rely on take aways. Doing jigsaw puzzles, playing board games and doing quizes.

Appreciating the fantastic work of the NHS staff and all the keyworkers who are working so hard to keep everything running.

Although I've not seen my friends and family for a while now I've never felt more connected to them, through social media, texts and regular phone calls.
Night's in with a glass of wine with the girls.  Regular morning meet ups with my church family.

I now have time to really engage in what my daughter is learning at school.....I'm having to relearn things myself!!  Especially Maths 😴. Secondary school maths is not my idea of fun at all!!! Hope other parents can relate to this.....

Friendships are growing stronger as we encourage each other and offer a supportive ear and lots of virtual hugs. Everyone looking forward to the day when we can all be close again and enjoy a meal out, or meeting for that cuppa and a catch up.

So what has kept me sane?
1) Trying to keep to a routine as much as possible
2) Maintaining self care
3) Ensuring I have "me time"
4) Eating regular meals
5) Regular contact with family and friends
6) Most importantly LOTS of patience!!

So this is me putting myself out there to people 😊
Until next time just relax, keep smiling, keep safe and enjoy the simple things in life. 😊 xxx