Wednesday 15 April 2020

What day of the week is it??

Wow!! What a response to my first blog.... I was so overwhelmed by all your lovely messages and comments.  Thank you so much :-)  I never thought I'd be sitting here writing my second one!

So what have I been doing since last time?

Well for a start.....I've discovered Disney +   A lot of my friends and family have been talking about it, so the other night I thought I'd give it a go.   Why did I not know about this earlier????   Bambi, The Little Mermaid, Toy Story,  Finding Nemo, Finding Dory,  Aladdin, Cars......the list goes on!
I'm going back to my childhood and loving it.  I don't know which one of us loves it more....myself, hubby or B??

We've also had Easter….what a strange one is what this year.  Other years would see me going to church, followed by enjoying a delicious roast dinner with family, then spending the afternoon enjoying our chocolate.  This year was somewhat different being on our own.  But we made it fun, spending quality time with each other just the 3 of us.....still enjoying a yummy roast and of course eating our chocolate!!

We've made colourful rainbow pictures to put in our windows, we've decorated biscuits, B has built a den in her bedroom and has slept in it every night since!!

Right now the sun is shining, both cats are sunbathing in the window.  It's got me thinking how lovely it would be to be at the seaside right now.  Sitting on the beach, listening to sea gulls, watching the waves, smelling the salty sea air whilst eating a yummy bag of chips covered in salt and vinegar :-)

Someday soon we will all be there together, having fun, enjoying walks along the beach, Mr Whippy ice creams with a chocolate flake, and dipping our toes in that sea.

We're now in week 4 of lockdown (I think?), the days of the week have gone out the window for me now.  Is it bin day?....  Is Our Girl on tv tonight?..... Am I meant to be having a group chat today?.....   What month are we even in?...….

What have I got planned?
Well I have a bookcase full of books that in all honesty I've probably only read a quarter of them (not even that), so it will probably be a good idea to get cracking and do some reading!!

We're going to be doing lots of home made cooking (cant wait for that).

We unfortunately have to crack on with some more school work too, so will be helping B with that...secondary school work is really hard!!   Maths really gets to fact B has to teach me how to do things a lot of the time.   Are any other parents out there struggling with being a teacher as well as a mum or dad??   This has certainly confirmed that secondary school teaching is not for me.....

If you have any tips....please feel free to share!!

I might even have a go at a bit of Joe Wicks ;-)  .....

I'm hoping next week to get out and about and do a little bit more walking and get some fresh air. "Me time" and self care are so important especially during these unprecedented times.  We just have to make the most of what we can do and simply enjoy it

Making the most of the simple things in life, listening to the birds sing, enjoying that first sip of coffee first thing in the morning, spending half an hour in the garden feeling the sun of your face.

Making the most of being able to speak to people and connect with people at any time of the day, without worrying if they will be at work.

Maybe set some goals??  Things you've been wanting to do but have just never  had the time.

I'm an overthinker.....I overthink EVERYTHING!!  So one of my goals this lockdown is to work on that and learn to relax and enjoy life as much as I can without worrying what other people think.

We will never again get all this time to slow down and just be still, so I say make the most of it.....regardless of whether we know what day of the week it is.....or even what month we're in!!!

Until next time, relax, keep smiling and keep safe.

S xxx

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